Frame Extractor


May 7, 2003 - Version 1.2 released. Changes: Improved makefile, minor code clean-ups, used verbose option more.
December 04, 2002 - Webpage finished. Downloads made available.
November 26, 2002 - SourceForge project created. CVS set up. Webpage created.


Frame Extractor is a tool for generating images from an mpeg file. It was designed for people who need to create thumbnails of their mpegs for use in a webpage.



Latest source package: FrameExtractor-1.2.tgz

or download from cvs:
$ cvs -z3 checkout FrameExtractor


To compile, simply run make. Optionally, you can run 'make install' to copy FrameExtractor to /usr/local/bin:
$ make
<lots of compiling...>
$ su
# make install

If you run into problems, you may email me (michael at snark dot com) with a description of your trouble.


FrameExtractor [OPTIONS]... <Mpeg File>
-h --help Print help and exit
-V --version Print version and exit
-oSTRING --output=STRING Base Filename for extracted frames
-tSTRING --imagetype=STRING Image output type (bmp, gif, png, etc.) defaults to bmp
-sINT --seconds=INT Number of seconds between each extracted frame
-fINT --frames=INT Number of frames that should be extracted
-gSTRING --geometry=STRING Geometry for output images.
-v --verbose Verbose (default=off)

Note that the --geometry option is in the form <width>x<height> where width and height represent the preferred width and height. If necessary, actual output resolution will be adjusted to preserve aspect ratio.


  1. Read in movie.mpg and write 5 frames as jpegs. The frames will be named thumb000.jpg, thumb001.jpg, ... They'll be scaled to the largest size that preserves aspect ratio and is not bigger than 100x100.
    $ FrameExtractor -v -o thumb -t jpg -g 100x100 -f 5 movie.mpg
    FrameExtractor 1.2

    5 frames written. Output image size: 100x75

  2. Read in movie.mpg and write a frame for every 5 seconds of video. Since no other options are given, defaults will be used: The output format will be bmp, the files will be named movie000.bmp, movie001.bmp, etc., and the output images will be the same resolution as movie.mpg.
    $ FrameExtractor -v -s 5 movie.mpg
    FrameExtractor 1.2

    3 frames written. Output image size: 320x240


Michael Lehenbauer. I may be contacted with questions, comments, fixes, etc. at michael at


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